Countdown to the Exhibition
I am very excited to say that after almost 2 years of working on this project, Tres Mort - Tremor will open this wednesday, April 29th, at Howl! Gallery in the east village.
The framing is done, and all that we have left to do is collect the large prints and hang everything in the gallery! I am so grateful for everyone who has stood behind me and supported me during this time, thank you is not enough. I am also thrilled that the Village Voice featured the show in their choices section! I am truly honored.
I cannot wait to see you all at the opening! Please feel free to bring friends, etc!
The exhibition will consist of a Photo Exhibition, Video Installation, and Live Butoh featuring the wonderful women of the Vangeline Theater
Howl! Gallery @ 6 East 1st Street (between 2nd ave and Bowery) April 29th from 6 pm